Data science workflow explained
Common Data science workflow explained via a baking analogies
A part of the recipe is written down. You just have to know all of the other steps to bake the cake. (no versioning & repeatability)
Everytime you want to bake a cake you have to order a DIY oven from IKEA and build it yourself. (manual DevOps & Infrastructure)
When your cake is ready you ship it via snail mail and having it in the hands of the user/eater takes a long time. (disconnect from Continuous Integration pipeline)
There are no ingredients listed on the end products, because no one really knows what went into one - tough luck for you if you are coeliac disease (reproducibility - compliance - audit trail)
Every cook also works in their own personal, particular way with tools they’ve invented themselves - no way to start anything bigger than a Great Britain Bake Off as collaboration is hard.
If the candidate can’t explain a data science workflow to a non-technical audience using easy to relate daily analogies, consider hiring me.