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Online Jupyter Notebook

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Jupyter Notebooks as a Service- A free Data Science environment in the cloud.

Extract Data from Yelp API

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‘jsonlite’ has a function to deal with ‘NDJSON’ file type with ‘stream_in()’ function

Working with JSON Data

less than 1 minute read

‘jsonlite’ has a function to deal with ‘NDJSON’ file type with ‘stream_in()’ function

From LAMP to JAM

less than 1 minute read

Stack are a collection of software components that interact to form a complete technology solutions.

Critical Metrics In Ecommerce

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For most websites, visitors rarely convert after the first visit. Most commonly, the first visit is used to gauge credibility. Subsequent visits may involve ...

Handling Missing Data with Code

less than 1 minute read

You can leave the data as is and go for a model which can handle missing data (such as XGBoost, Random Forest).

Book Review of Remote

1 minute read

Picked up a copy of Remote at a local library. Authored by Founders of 37Signals, they lay out the argument for working remotely and not bound by a geographi...

The Open Graph Protocol

less than 1 minute read

You’ve created a compelling website and brand, don’t squander it away when you try to share your content on social network.

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Data Sampling in Google Analytics

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Google Analytics is a must have for every business in the beginning, but as your business grows you need more flexibility and customization, because Google A...

Ireland Milk Trade in 2015

1 minute read

The United Nations Comtrade database used to analyse Ireland’s imports and exports of milk and cream in 2015:

The Business of Container

3 minute read

When you mention Excel, you mean spreadsheet. Say “Docker”, and you quite possibly mean lightweight virtual machine using Linux technology.

Portable Data Science Tools

2 minute read

Toying the idea to have a portable data science tools to bring around. Prior, I being using Anacoda on a Windows PC

Measuring non-profit success

less than 1 minute read

Measuring non-profit and government websites is a bit more challenging. You need to figure out your goals and measure how efficient you are in achieving them...

50 years of Data Science

1 minute read

Drawing on work by Tukey, Chambers, Breiman and Cleveland, Stanford statistics professor, David Donoho present a vision of data science based on the activiti...

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Short Coming Of NCI’s HDSDA Course

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Using version control is a sign of a professional approach to serious data analysis. It about faciliating reproducible research.

Data Analytics Field To Focus On

1 minute read

Data science is a very broad term from building data infrastructure to running ML algorithm to solve business problems(i.e. Label, Rank, Forecast). Very few ...

Which R Reference Book For Me

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Most R books are written by authors from their domains perspective. This post I will starts off with bio science.

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Measuring in a multi-screen world

1 minute read

People are bringing mobile and tablet into the research and buying cycle. As a business owner, you need to understand what is really leading to the sales and...

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